Daily Schedule
Daily schedule
Current month status check : March
Work day
Time frame | Routine | Note |
5:30AM or 4:30AM | Wakeup | Based on CST time |
7:30AM | Bathroom break | 30 minutes |
8:30AM to 9:30AM | Breakfast | |
9:30AM to 10:00AM | Take Ardru to school | Ask Athira to check tickets |
10:00AM | Take 5 minutes walk for every 30 minutes | |
12:30PM | Hot bath | 30 minutes break |
1:00PM to 2:00PM | Lunch | |
5:30PM ot 4:30PM | 30 minutes walk | based on CST work time |
6:00PM to 7:00PM | Body wash | |
7:00PM | Start studying | |
7:30PM to 8:30PM | Food and Brush Teeth | |
8:45PM to 9:30PM | Book time | |
9:30PM | Go to bed |
Non-working days
Time frame | Routine | Notes |
5:30AM | Wakeup | |
5:30AM to 6:15AM | Bathroom and Brush Teeth | |
6:15AM | 45 minutes walk | |
7:00AM | Velnix work | |
8:30AM to 9:30AM | Breakfast | |
9:30AM to 10:00AM | Take Ardru to school | |
12:00PM | Hot bath | |
1:00PM to 2:00 PM | Lunch | |
2:00PM | Personal work and Book time | |
4:00PM | Walk or swimming for minimum 45 minutes | |
6:00PM to 7:00PM | Body wash | |
7:00PM | Start studying | |
7:30AM to 8:30AM | Food and Brush Teeth | |
8:45PM to 9:30PM | Book time | |
9:30PM | Bed time |
Non working days on SAT, SUN and TUE and THU can be holidays and outgoing between 10AM to 8PM
Food menu
Meal | Items | Notes |
BreakFast | Corn Flakes | |
Lunch | Chapathi and Avial or Fish curry | |
Tea time at 3:30PM | Fruits | |
Supper | Oats |
Drink 3 Litre water per day and track it using “Drink water” app
Every 2nd TUE, WED or THU is cheat day.